Our Class

Sunday, September 19, 2004


A recount is a story about something that happened to you, a friend, or anyone.
A few days ago one of our teachers had an accident walking to St George TAFE Hogben Street campus.

Write a recount of her accident. You can use the following words (add verbs and use them in the right tense!) or you can make up the whole story:

wet footpath .......rain.....to trip over...........to fall down
to land ............chin first aid .......kind lady
emergency..............mobile phone ambulance.....hospital
3 stitches .............. teeth

Look in this blog's
A Day at the Beach and Our excursions for the structure of the recount and more examples of good recounts.


Look in comments and read the first 3 versions of Suzanne's accident. Have a gook look at the verbs and notice how the past continuous is used to set the scene, as we learned in class yesterday. Well done!

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